Taking a break from social media…

Why do we spend so much time on social media? I think for me personally, it may be a mix of boredom, voyeurism and my best pals; the insecurities. Either way, I finally decided that enough was enough – I deleted my social media apps with gusto (and some fear). Before we discuss what fantastic epiphanies [...]

Stop Eagerly Awaiting Friday

As a short disclaimer, I don't intend for this post to be insensitive or ignorant towards anybody that may be struggling for any reason. If anything I hope to encourage happiness in all of you that do read this.  As I'm sure many of you are aware after so much complaining, often on this blog; [...]

to all of the broken hearted people

Heartbreak must be one of the worst things that a human can face, it's an obscure feeling that completely consumes you. The person that has hurt you becomes everything, you see them in bars that you visited together, the mutual friends you share - their favourite breakfast option. However, if you're blissfully happy, you're probably [...]

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Every January 1st people awake thinking "this is my year, I'm not going to do all of the horrible unhealthy things I did last year. Somehow in the past 12 hours I am new. I am different. And I will be better." Gyms are flooded with people, Holland and Barrett run out of stock and Nutri Bullet [...]